1. Program Concept: Localization, internationalization and life - the three core spirits and excellent quality, depth, and multidisciplinary perspective as the focus.
2. Program Purpose: Take a light-hearted morning rhythm as the tone, with local care as the keynote and transnational thinking as the content. The program aims to provide listeners with a creative and warm vision of modern citizenship and an intellectual taste of life, with a focus on trends in technology, culture, and creativity, the connection between land and people, civic literacy, and quality life experiences.
3. Broadcast time: Monday-Friday, 9:05-10:00 a.m.
Program Contents:
Monday’s Topics - Media cover stories, current issues in education, society and culture
- The ideal country that young people want to create-Youth public affairs, participation in profound thought and discussion.
Tuesday: What the Earth teaches us about - prevention and response of global warming, green energy, food, and agriculture education, and commentary on current environmental issues.
(1) Who Spreads Fake News - Media Literacy, Eliminate Fake News and Delivering the Right Message.
(2) Wednesdays for Health - Specialist doctor interviews and provide health information.
(3) The "Interpret the New Data" module is an exclusive license for Malaysia's CITYPlus FM to interpret global financial information and real-time economic trends.
Pass for Living legal - An analysis of the current state of law enforcement and legal knowledge in the public sector.
(1) Analysis of International Affairs - understanding the context of relations between countries by focusing on
a single country or current event as a reference for getting a grasp of the international situation.
(2) Listen to the story of archives - a collection of stories from the digital use of archives and national memory.