超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
",keywords:["法治教育"],cover:"6209d1c87e78b9000973fafb",squareCover:"6499280239d0240007dce152",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!0,podcastLink:"",app:!0,open:!0,overview:!0,createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1731030733,englishName:"Go, Super Citizens",englishTime:"Sunday",englishOpen:!0,englishIntroduction:"Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
\n",transcriptOpen:!1,subtitleOpen:!1},title:"《兒童權利公約》與國際兒童人權日",guests:[{name:"楊雅華",unit:"財團法人天主教善牧社會福利基金會研發部主任",title:"N",email:"",notified:!1}],video:"",live:"",introduction:"從1924年《日內瓦兒童權利宣言》到 1959年11月20日聯合國通過的《兒童權利宣言》,再到1989年11月20日的聯合國《兒童權利公約》,確立了兒童是權利的主體,也希望可以透過公約保護兒少,並且讓大眾了解兒少應有的權利。
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.
超級公民GO節目於每週六 15:05-16:00為您播出。
Taking root at the aspect of education, the program cultivates citizens to have civic literacy and critical thinking skills. The program discusses the content of the law that is relevant to students and teachers on campus, so that students and their parents and teachers can understand the importance and influence of law education that is worth learning, further conveying correct and useful content of law education.