~本集由 林亮言 Julie 及 楊詠晴 Erica~
“當雙語遇上學科—雙語體育篇” In today’s episode, Julie and Erica will discuss bilingual education.Let's continue from our previous discussion on bilingual education in natural sciences and explore how bilingualism intersects with physical education. In Engbetween, we will discuss the advantages that bilingualism can offer to students. Moreover, we invited a teacher,仁凱老師, who has many experiences in implementing bilingual teaching in the field of physical education He is going to share his own stories with us. In today’s show, we will share a lot of real stories and knowledge to let you understand more about Bilingual teaching! Don’t miss our show!
"當雙語遇上學科—體育篇 ft.仁凱老師" 在今天的節目中,Julie 和 Erica 將討論雙語教育相關議題。我們將延續上次討論的雙語自然科相關內容,這次讓我們一起來看看雙語與體育科的碰撞會產生什麼火花吧!在小單元Engbetween 中,我們將討論雙語可以帶給學生哪些優勢。此外,我們還邀請到了一位任職於國小且在體育領域雙語教學有豐富經驗的現場教師,仁凱老師。他即將與我們分享更多自身的故事!在今天的節目中,我們將分享很多真實的故事和知識,讓大家進一步瞭解雙語教學的真實樣貌呦!千萬不要錯過本期節目囉!