~本集由 凃佑姍 Samantha 及 陳睿妤 Angela 主持~
Many people may have experience traveling or studying abroad, but what about teaching? Today, we invite Felix, who joined the Overseas Education Internship Program this May. As a pre-service English teacher, he was inspired by the different teaching methods and styles he encountered, which led him to reflect deeply. Let’s join Felix as he shares his observations and learnings from Sweden!
或許很多人都可能有出國旅行或留學的經驗,但你有想過在海外教書嗎?今天我們邀請到 Felix,他在今年五月加入了國外教育見習計畫。作為一名英語師培生,瑞典有別於臺灣的教學方式和風格,啟發了他對於教學活動的深刻反思。讓我們跟隨 Felix,一起來趟瑞典教育之旅吧!