~本集由 林亮言 Julie 及 楊詠晴 Erica~
“Taipei原動力~全民原教 ft. Paicu‧Usaiyana”In today’s episode, Julie and Erica will discuss topics related to Indigenous education. In our Engbetween segment, we’ll introduce Indigenous education and a government-implemented policy called “全民原教”!During the Youth Chatroom segment, we’re thrilled to welcome a special guest, Paicu‧Usaiyana, the director of the Taipei Indigenous Education Resource Center. She will share stories about her culture and provide her insights on Indigenous education.Don’t miss this exciting episode!
"Taipei原動力~全民原教 ft. Paicu‧Usaiyana" 在今天的節目中,Julie 和 Erica 將討論原住民族教育這個主題。在今天的小單元Engbetween 中,我們將介紹原住民族教育以及目前政府所實施的「全民原教」政策。而在青年聊天室的時間,我們台北市原住民族教育資源中心主任,Paicu‧Usaiyana。他即將與我們分享更多與自身文化有關的故事,以及他對於原住民族教育的相關看法,千萬不要錯過本期節目囉!