1140212 Hear me out _ 歌曲_Love The Way You Lie (喜歡你說謊的樣子)
Part 1
⭐ Hear me out ⭐ (聽我說完)
希望對方聽你說話, 一般有三個用語, 分別是「listen」「listen up」和「hear me out」。「hear me out」的意思是「聽我說完」,用來請求和強調, 希望對方仔細聽完自己要說的話或想法。這個片語通常表示說話的人有重要或有趣的事情要分享, 希望對方能耐心聆聽或理解。
1. I know you do not believe me, but please hear me out.
(我知道你不相信我, 但請聽我把話說完)
2. This might sound crazy, but please hear me out first.
(這可能聽起來有點奇怪, 但請先聽我說完)
3. At least hear me out before you make your decision.
Part 2
⭐ Easy for you to say ⭐ (你說得倒簡單)
這句短語的意思為是「你說得倒簡單。」用來表示他人所提出的建議、觀點或看法在自己聽來不切實際, 或對當事人而言根本難以達成。翻成白話文就有點像是;「你說得很輕鬆嘛~出一張嘴而已~又不是你去做~」所以比較像是在虧對方「你說得倒是輕鬆! 不然你去做!」
A: Just tell your boss you need more time to finish the project.
B: That is easy for you to say. My boss will kill me if I say that.
(你說得倒簡單! 如果我那樣說, 我老闆會把我殺了!)
⭐ Easy for you to say. You are a handsome guy. You can have a girlfriend easily.
(你說得倒輕鬆, 你是個帥哥, 交女朋友有什麼難的)
歌曲_Love The Way You Lie (喜歡你說謊的樣子)
演唱者:Eminem & Rihanna (阿姆 & 蕾哈娜)
今天要跟聽眾朋友分享的歌曲, 是在2010年由美國嘻哈歌手阿姆所演唱的一首歌曲, 並邀請了人氣歌手蕾哈娜一起合唱。阿姆創作主歌並選擇蕾哈娜演唱副歌, 因爲他們以前都各自有過一段困難的戀愛關係, 因此促成了這場合作。
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
Well, that is all right, because I like the way it hurts
沒事的, 因為我也享受這傷痛帶來的快意
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
Well, that is all right, because I love the way you lie
沒事的, 因為我就喜歡你說謊的樣子
I can not tell you what it really is
I can only tell you what it feels like
And right now, there is a steel knife in my windpipe
而此刻, 有一把鋼刀抵在我的氣管
I can not breathe, but I still fight while I can fight
我無法呼吸, 但我依舊盡我所能的反擊
As long as the wrong feels right, it is like I am in flight
只要這錯覺夠有說服力, 我便快樂的不能自拔
High off her love, drunk from her hate
因她的愛昏頭, 吵架後又酗酒
It is like I am huffing paint and I love her the more I suffer
就像吸毒一樣嗨, 我越愛她就越痛苦
I suffocate and right before I am about to drown
她令我窒息, 而在我快死去的時候
She rescues me, she fucking hates me, and I love it
她卻救醒我, 我就愛她如此他媽的恨我入骨
“Wait, where you going?” “I'm leaving you”
男:慢著, 你要去哪? 女:我要離開你了
“No, you are not, come back!"
男:不, 你不准, 給我回來!
We are running right back, here we go again
我們再次回到原本的模式, 重蹈覆轍
It is so insane, cause when it is going good, it is going great
這太扯了, 當我們感情很好時, 好得不得了
I am Superman with the wind at his back, she is Lois Lane
But when it is bad, it is awful, I feel so ashamed
但感情出問題時卻如此不堪, 我真的覺得很自責
I snap, “Who is that dude?”, “I do not even know his name”
我發飆了, 問你:那男的是誰?妳說:我連他的名字都不知道
I laid hands on her, I will never stoop so low again
我傷害了她, 我絕不再降低自己的道德標準
I guess I do not know my own strength
Next time I am pissed, I will aim my fist at the drywall
下次要是我再暴怒, 我會把拳頭打在牆上
Next time? There will not be next time
I apologize even though I know it is a lie
I am tired of the games, I just want her back
我厭倦這一切的兒戲了, 我只想要她回來
I know I am a liar
If she ever tries to fucking leave again
I am gonna tie her to the bed and set this house on fire
我就把她捆綁在床上, 再把房子給燒了
I love the way you lie
嘉南地區 FM107.7
高屏地區 FM101.7
澎湖地區 FM 99.1
恆春地區 FM 99.3