You can not have your cake and eat it too (魚與熊掌不可兼得) & Hold your horses (稍等一下) _歌曲_I believe I can fly (我相信我能飛翔)
Part 1
⭐ You can not have your cake and eat it too ⭐ (魚與熊掌不可兼得)
這句話直接翻譯就是:「你不能想保存著蛋糕, 又想吃掉它」這等於我們中文的「魚與熊掌, 不可兼得」。本意是, 人生中有時就是沒辦法同時擁有兩個東西 (人事物), 也表示當你無法同時擁有的時候, 就要懂得取捨。
1/ You can not sell the cow and drink the milk.
(你不能想把牛賣掉, 又想喝牛奶)
2/ You can not have it both ways.
A: Were you able to get tickets to the show tomorrow?
B: Yeah, but I have back row seats.
(有啊! 但是位子在後面)
A: Well, you can not have your cake and eat it too.
(你不能想搶到明天的票, 又想搶到前排的位子啦!)
Part 2
⭐ Hold your horses ⭐ (稍等一下)
「Hold your horses」直譯的意思是「牽住你的馬」呢? 還是「握住你的馬」? 當然兩個都不是, 其實是「稍等一下」的意思。如果你身邊有行事衝動、個性急躁的朋友, 那你可以在他又要衝動的時候跟他說:「Hold your horses!」, 意思是「忍耐一下、稍安勿躁」, 還要提醒他「先思考一下再行動」。句子把急躁的情緒比喻成失控的馬, 需要拉一下韁繩, 控制住它。
⭐ A: Mom~ Is dinner ready? I am super hungry!
(媽~晚餐準備好了嗎? 我超級餓的!)
B: Hold your horses! Dinner will be ready in 5 minutes.
(稍等一下! 再五分鐘, 晚餐就好了)
⭐ Hold your horses, Jack, maybe it is a scam!
(別著急Jack! 這也許是詐騙!)
⭐ Hey, hold your horses and relax, you are too nervous.
(嘿, 別著急, 放輕鬆點, 你太緊張了)
1140226_歌曲_I believe I can fly (我相信我能飛翔)
演唱者:R. Kelly (R. 凱莉)
這首歌是歌手R. Kelly在1996年為籃球界的巨星 — 飛人邁克爾·喬丹 (Michael Jordan) 的電影《Space Jam》(太空大灌籃) 由自己作詞、作曲和演唱的歌曲。「I Believe I Can Fly」成為了他最偉大的單曲之一。作為一個籃球迷和Michael Jordan的球迷, 都會相信這首歌完全是Michael的寫照, 也被世界歌迷票選為十大英語勵志歌曲之一。
I used to think that I could not go on
And life was nothing but an awful song
But now I know the meaning of true love
I am leaning on the everlasting arms
我找到了可以永久依靠的臂膀 (永恆)
If I can see it, then I can do it
只要我能看見希望, 我就能成功
If I just believe it, there is nothing to it
只要我相信, 那就沒有什麼不可以
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
See I was on the verge of breaking down 看, 我在崩潰墮落的邊緣
Sometimes silence can seem so loud
There are miracles in life I must achieve
生命中有很多奇蹟等著我去實現 (達成)
But first I know It starts inside of me
但我知道要實現奇蹟, 就必須先從內心開始
If I can see it, then I can do it
如果我還能看見希望, 我就能達成目標