
什麼!竟然停電!!! Oh! No! My document!







Learn some useful words of power outage.


◆Useful Vocabulary :

1.power outage 停電,斷電 *a massive power outage 大停電

2.the electricity goes off 電力停止、中斷

3.backup n. (資料) 備份 make a backup 做備份

4.backup software (電腦)備份軟體

5.power bank (=portable charger) 行動電源

6.explosion n. 爆炸

7.a rolling power outage 分區輪流停電

8.rolling adj. 輪流的

9.power plant 電廠

10.nuclear power plant 核電廠

11.suddenly = all of a sudden adv.突然地



1.An explosion occurred at a power plant this morning, which has led to the massive power outage for several hours.


2.Tens of thousands of households, companies and businesses were affected. (數以萬計的住家和公司行號受到坡及。)

3.The electricity in the region went off for twelve hours due to the super typhoon. (由於強烈颱風導致這個區域停電12小時。)

4.The lights in the bathroom suddenly went out because of my naughty brother. (因為我那淘氣的弟弟,廁所的燈突然間熄滅。)

5.Here is an emergency announcement from the city government in my smartphone. (我的手機裡有一則市政府公告。)

6.It says that there will be a rolling power outage tomorrow.


7.Power will be shut down in this district of the city for two hours today.(這區域的電力將關閉兩小時。)

8.It will go off from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (將會從早上9點到11點。)

9.You had better make sure to make a backup of the document on the computer in case of any accident. (以防意外,你最好在電腦上做好檔案備份。)

10.I have to remember to go plug my phone in, so it’s charged when the power is out. (我必須記得要幫手機充飽電,這樣即使停電時,手機還有電。)

* plug the phone in = charge the phone

什麼!竟然停電!!!  Oh! No! My document!

什麼!竟然停電!!! Oh! No! My document!
