Weekend Kickoff with WuWu

城堡康復之家:劉俊泓/Halfway House:Jimmy Liu(中集)


第一單元 - 全世界ㄧ週特殊新聞大事:


*主播辛蒂 翻唱 艾娃·馬克斯「瘋狂甜心」

第二單元 - 我的神秘嘉賓:高雄市立凱旋醫院附設城堡康復之家負責人劉俊泓(中集)









First Segment-Global Weekly Special News Highlights:

*The Role of Social Workers and Their Impact on Society (Part 2 of 2)

*The host Cindy covers Ava Max [Sweet but Psycho]
Second Segment-My Mysterious Guest: Kai-Syuan Psychiatric Hospital Mental Health Social Worker & Director of Halfway House Jimmy Liu (Part 2 of 3)

*Pharmacy pharmacists in Taiwan can give medication

*Abusing Medication and becoming addicted

*Communicating together in mixtures of English and Mandrin-Chinese

*Suicidal rates are high; must abort isolation

*You must take care of yourself first and not think about what others think of you 

*Why does the Asian culture care so much about receiving mental care “Stigma”

*We all need to change our attitude and bring more positivity around us

*Privacy perspectives are different from both the East and West cultures

*It’s ok to cry to release your stress, it is better to let it out

*Stop being like your parents, especially if it’s in negative content 

*President Lai of Taiwan said an important phrase
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Kai-Syuan Psychiatric Hospital and Halfway House won awards

高雄市立凱旋醫院與附設城堡康復之家獲獎 . Kai-Syuan Psychiatric Hospital and Halfway House won awards
