第一單元 - 全世界ㄧ週特殊新聞大事:
-謝金燕 「月彎彎」
-火星人 布魯諾「向月亮傾話」
第二單元 - 我的神秘嘉賓:銀色種子企管顧問創辦人/執行長-周郁萍老師(中)
First Segment-Global Weekly Special News Highlights:
Special Program for Taiwan’s Full Moon Festival:
Host Cindy sings cover songs about love:
-Coco Lee "A Love Before Time"
-Jeannie Hsieh "Crescent Moon"
-Bruno Mars “Talking to the Moon”
Second Segment-My Mysterious Guest: Silver Seed Guardian Founder/Director Miss Caroline Chou (Part 2 of 3)
NER Caroline Chou (Part 2)
*Foreign Company vs. Local company perspective
*The philosophy and passion behind Silver Seeds Guardian
*Her secret for staying youthful
*What skill sets does our next generation need
*Equal Pay Day for Taiwan vs. World
*Population ranking for Taiwan
*New business market here in Taiwan