第一單元 - 全世界ㄧ週特殊新聞大事:
*主播辛蒂翻唱 迪士尼動畫片《海洋奇緣》的「我會走多遠」
第二單元 - 我的神秘嘉賓:銀色種子企管顧問創辦人/執行長-周郁萍老師(下)
First Segment-Global Weekly Special News Highlights:
*How to have a global lens to connect with the world around us
*Host Cindy sings cover the song "How Far I'll Go" from the Disney animated film Moana
Second Segment-My Mysterious Guest: Silver Seed Guardian Founder/Director Miss Caroline Chou (Part 3 of 3)
*What skill sets does our next generation need
*Southern Taiwan’s perception of foreigners
*U.S. East coast vs. West coast
*English usage in Taipei vs. Kaohsiung
*The challenges and passion for thesis writing
*Cutting hair to look more professional