第一單元 - 全世界ㄧ週特殊新聞大事: (停播一個禮拜)
第二單元 - 我的神秘嘉賓:黃馨誼-新世代雙語教育者(中)
First Segment-Global Weekly Special News Highlights: (Off air for a week)
*Radio Host Cindy covers Christmas songs
-Santa Baby
-Jingle Bell Rock
-Baby it’s cold outside
-Rudolf the red-nose reindeer
Second Segment-My Mysterious Guest:
Isabelle Huang-A New Generation Bilingual Educator (Part 2 of 3)
*Joining me as an assistant for my NKNU Senior Citizen Popular Music Singing class
*Her teaching process with the senior students
*Why teaching hard rap songs to the senior students
*Benefiting their health and slowing down aging process