
The best two Wind Power locations in the world


Peopo Talk:

According to statistics from the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), the total capacity of wind power installations in the world has reached 1,250GW in 2020, providing 12% of the world's electricity demand. At the same time, with the vigorous promotion of the global market, the wind energy industry has double-digit growth potential every year.

根據全球風能協會(Global Wind Energy Council;簡稱 GWEC)統計顯示,2020年時全世界的風力發電裝置總容量已經達到1,250GW,提供全球12%的電力需求。同時在全球市場大力推行下,風能產業每年有雙位數的成長潛力。

Glossary Encyclopedia:

1.Pitch (n) 推銷話術
A way to introduce or persuade others about an idea or product.
The city made a pitch tostage the Olympics.

2.Yaw (v) 偏航 to be off course, not on the right track
If an aircraft or ship yaws, it movesslightly to the side of its intendeddirection.

3.Nacelle (n) 機艙 (飛機)
The design of the aircraft has been modified and the engine nacelles now encase the entire engine.

4.Developer(n) 開發商/ 開發者
The company is a leading softwaredeveloper.

5.Wind turbine (n) 風力渦輪機
a large tall structure with blades (= large, flat pieces) that are blown around by the wind producing electrical energy.
The wind turbines are visible on the horizon as you look out to sea.

6.Rotor(n) 轉子;轉片,旋轉輪
a part of a machine that spins, especially the device supporting the turning blades of a helicopter

7.Blade (n) 刀子
the flat part on a knife or similar tool or weapon, with a very thin edge used for cutting
He uses the razor blade to shave his beard.

the people living in one particular areaor people who are considered as a unitbecause of their common interests, social group, or nationality
He is well-known in the local community.

9.Financing (n) 融資;資金
Higher import prices require additional trade financing.

10.Electrical grid(n) 

輸電網路(英語:Electrical grid)又稱輸電網、電力網、輸配線,可簡稱「電網」,是一種以輸送電力為目的,連結電力生產者與消費者的網路系統。

Automated systems detect that the electrical grid is failing and they shut off the reactors.

來自荷蘭的工程師黎森 正在為我們解說人們對風力發電的迷思

來自荷蘭的工程師黎森 正在為我們解說人們對風力發電的迷思
