

邀訪來賓:Joe Cooperman 潛水教練

潛水分成浮潛及自由潛水 後者尤視環海的台灣為天堂 不但四季宜人 且生態多元豐富 加拿大籍的Joe來台超過二十年 是位資深教練 本集邀請他分享美麗的海洋世界!!!

Glossary Encyclopedia:

1. Buoyancy
The quality of being able to float.
* We tested the boat for buoyancy.

2. Regulator
Controlling; to be in control.
* The dam is a regulator for the flow of water into the river. 

3. Wet suit
a piece of clothing, usually made from rubber, that covers the whole body closely and is designed to keep you warm when you are swimming, especially in the sea, for long periods
* Surfers usually wear a wetsuit when going diving. 

4. Dive computer
A dive computer provides the real-time dive information you need to dive well.
* A dive computer is a helpful tool for calculation. 

5. Air tank
A container with oxygen inside it, used for helping people to breathe.
* Divers require an air tank to help them breathe underwater.

6. Fins
a thin vertical part sticking out of the body of especially a fish or an aircraft.
* A fish needs fins to help them swim in water.

7. Mask
a covering for all or part of the face that protects, hides, or decorates the person wearing it.
* Scuba divers need to wear a mask underwater to protect the eyes and nose.

8. BCD (Buoyancy Control Device)
BCD (Buoyancy Compensator
* BCD is an important scuba diving equipment which helps divers stay afloat.

9. Depth gauge
A depth gauge is an instrument for measuring depth below a vertical reference surface.
* A diver uses a depth gauge to help him figure out distance.

10. Decompression
reduction in air pressure.
* The submarine will go through a decompression process when it emerges from the ocean. 
