

邀訪來賓:麥茵茲美型診所主任醫師Charles Chen


Modern society faces numerous challenges, including maintaining constancy and incorporation in an ever-changing environment. The process of globalization has brought about substantial changes, particularly affecting cultural diversity. The increase in cultural diversity presents both opportunities and challenges, requiring society to constantly adjust and adapt to potential controversies. These controversies often revolve around balancing tradition and modernity, preserving local cultures while embracing external influences. Only by fostering inclusivity and respecting diversity can society achieve harmonious development.

醫學美容(Medical Aesthetics)十個重要英文字彙:

1. **Botox** - 肉毒桿菌

A drug used medically to treat certain muscular conditions and cosmetically to remove wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing facial muscles.

Botox injections are popular among both men and women nowadays.


2. **Dermal Fillers** - 皮膚填充劑

Dermal filler injections are a type of nonsurgical cosmetic procedure. Dermal fillers plump up wrinkles, smooth lines and restore volume in your face.

Dermal filler injections are one of the most common cosmetic procedure performed in the United States.


3. **Laser Treatment** - 激光治療

It refers to a medical procedure in which a laser is used to treat a condition or ailment. 

"The patient underwent laser treatment for their chronic back pain."


4. **Chemical Peel** - 化學換膚

The application of a mild caustic substance to the skin in order to remove blemishes.

Chemical Peel treatment has been popular over the years.



5. **Microdermabrasion** - 微晶磨皮

Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive procedure used to renew overall skin tone and texture. It can help improve the appearance of skin affected by sun exposure, wrinkles, acne, and other conditions.

Microdermabrasion is the procedure of removing dead skin from the skin, giving it a better tone and texture.


6. **Rhinoplasty** - 隆鼻手術

Rhinoplasty (RIE-no-plas-tee) is surgery that changes the shape of the nose. 

It’s said that Rhinoplasty surgery can also affect breathing as well as the appearance of the nose.


7. **Liposuction** - 抽脂手術

An operation in which fat is sucked out from under the skin.

Liposuction is a process in cosmetic surgery to remove fat from under the skin.


8. **Facelift** - 面部提升

medical operation that tightens loose skin to make the face look younger.

Facelift operations are usually popular among older men and women.


9. **Skin Rejuvenation** - 皮膚嫩膚

The act or process of making a person look or feel young and energetic again.

Skin rejuvenation comes in different formula and ways, however the key is to make a person look younger in appearance.


10. **Hair Restoration** - 植髮

Hair restoration is the process of moving hair from one place to another on your head, it can be done in several ways. 

Senior citizens with hair problem would usually seek help and get hair restoration treatments done to help them get more hair.


