


Peopo Talk:

1. Educational Background
* Why did you choose to study acoustics in France?
* Can you share some insights about your experience studying acoustics at [specific university]? (e.g., Sorbonne Université1)
* How has your education in acoustics influenced your career in VR dubbing?
2. Career Path
* What inspired you to become a Sound designer?
* Can you describe your journey from studying acoustics to working in sound design?
* What were some of the challenges you faced transitioning into this field?
3. Technical Skills and Expertise
* How do you apply your knowledge of sound design?
* What are the key technical skills required for a sound design?
* Can you explain the process of creating a sound design project from start to finish?
4. Industry Insights
* What are the current trends in sound design and how do you stay updated?
* How do you see the future of sound design evolving?
* What advice would you give to someone aspiring to enter the field of sound design?
5. Personal Insights
* What has been your most memorable project so far and why?
* How do you maintain vocal health and prepare for recording sessions?
* Can you share any interesting anecdotes from your career?
6. Conclusion
* What are your future goals and projects?
* Is there anything else you would like to share with our audience?

Glossary Encyclopedia

(配音dubbing 的十個重要英文字彙):

1. **Voice Actor** - 聲優

An actor whose voice may be used in different ways, for exampleacting in a radio playspeaking in a filmed advertisementspeaking the part of a character in an animated film.

Many singers and movie stars are also voice actors for animation films.


2. **ADR (Automated Dialogue Replacement)** - 自動對白替換

Automated dialogue replacement (ADR) is the process of re-recording dialogue by the original actor (or a replacement actor) after the filming process to improve audio quality or make changes to the originally scripted dialog.

ADR is a process in recording to make sure the audio quality and script dialogue are in place.


3. **Lip Sync** - 對口型

practice in which performers pretend to be singing a song, when in fact they are just moving their lips.

Lip Sync is not an act of professionalism. 



4. **Dialogue** - 對話

conversation that is written for a bookplay, or film.

A movie usually require actors to have dialogues in order to guide the audience through the storyline.


5. **Script** - 劇本

The words of a filmplaybroadcast, or speech.

Jaron wrote the script for "Who Pays the Bill".


6. **Studio** - 錄音室

room with special equipment where television or radio programmes or musicrecordings are made

She spent three months in the studio working on her latest album.


7. **Sound Engineer** - 音效師

person whose job is to be responsible for the technical features of the sound for a broadcastperformance, or recording

He works as a sound engineer at one of the best recording studios in the UK.


8. **Mixing** - 混音

To combine, so that the result cannot easily be separated into it’s part.

Mixing sound is usually done after the first recordings are made.


9. **Director** - 導演

manager of a film overlooking the cast and crews on the film set. 

She has became the director of the new movie scheduled to be released in 2025.


10. **Recording Session** - 錄音環節

Speech, music, or moving pictures that have been recorded to be listened to.

The recording session is a process which takes place for production in music, film and related fields.
