

邀訪來賓:東海大學英語講師Johnathan Hayes

台灣到底具有什麼樣的魅力讓每一集的來賓幾乎都是長時間居留 甚至選擇留在這裡 就像敬愛的彭蒙惠老師教育莘莘學子超過一甲子 來自南非的Jonathan Hayes一待也十五個年頭了 而且他說還會繼續在東海大學教英文... 然後這集節目我們很用心地安排了四首來自非洲的歌曲 讓我們一起進入Johathan的世界吧!

Peopo Talk:

Yes, this is Jaron from the radio station.  Sorry for keeping you waiting due to my tight summer schedule.  I’m wondering if you’ll be available next Monday at 11:00am or Friday at 18:00.  Here is the draft outline for interviewing you.  Please take a look:
1. Background Information
Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you ended up teaching at Tunghai University?
What inspired you to become an English teacher?
How has your journey from South Africa to Taiwan been?
2. Teaching Experience
How long have you been teaching English, and how long have you been at Tunghai University?
What are some of the differences you’ve noticed between teaching in South Africa and Taiwan?
Can you share a memorable teaching experience from your time at Tunghai University?
3. Cultural Exchange
How do you incorporate your South African heritage into your teaching?
What cultural challenges have you faced while teaching in Taiwan, and how have you overcome them?
How do your students respond to learning about South African culture?
4. Teaching Methods and Philosophy
What teaching methods do you find most effective for your students?
How do you keep your students engaged and motivated in learning English?
What is your teaching philosophy?
5. Professional Development
How do you stay updated with the latest trends and developments in English language teaching?
Are there any professional development opportunities you have pursued or plan to pursue?
6. Future Goals
What are your future goals as an English teacher?
Do you have any plans for new projects or initiatives at Tunghai University?
7. Advice for Aspiring Teachers
What advice would you give to someone who wants to become an English teacher, especially in a foreign country?
What are some key qualities or skills that you believe are essential for teaching English effectively?
8. Closing
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Thank you for your time and insights.

Glossary Encyclopedia: TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) 

1. Collocation

The habitual position of a particular word with another word or words with a frequency greater than chance.

A collocation is two or more words that occur frequently together.

Ex. Make my bed, do my homework

2. Phoneme

The smallest unit of sound in a language that can distinguish words.

Learning a new language requires verbal practices in phonemes.

3. Morphology 形態學

The study of the form of words and how they are structured.

The researchers used morphology as a way to study the size and shape of the bones.

4. Syntax

The arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.

Sometimes a translation may not match the syntax of the original sentence.

5. Lexicon / dictionary

The vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.

A computer’s lexicon is different from that of a human.

I’ll always be around

I’ll always be around
