\n2024 獲21屆廣播金聲獎 社會關懷節目
\n2024 入圍第8屆全球華文永續報導獎 學生組音頻類
\n2024 獲28屆社會光明面廣播新聞報導類 學生組佳作
\n2024 獲21屆新傳獎 最佳廣播專題報導獎
\n2024 中正之聲《生活混音帶》主持人
\n2022 國立教育廣播電臺 臺東分臺實習生
\n2022 Podcast《BBOFM》主持人兼製作人
\n\n2024 113 青年節 大專優秀青年 (臺東全國代表)
\n\n2024 國立臺東大學 113 級畢業典禮畢業生代表
\n\n2023 取得臺東街頭藝人證照
\n\n2020 全創作輔仁中學畢業歌【回憶裡心動】
\n\n週一 早上09:00-10:00 職想和你聊聊天 聊工作、職涯和生活經驗
\n\n週五 晚上21:00-22:00 週末樂好聽 聽音樂、聊音樂,私房歌單讓週末很好聽
來自屏東泰武鄉吾魯滋部落排灣族的巴查克 Pacak,征戰過無數大小音樂競賽;獨具特色的創作實力,讓他在 2021 年的 Pasiwali 音樂創作大賞獲得首獎,更拿下臺灣原創流行音樂大獎、桃園鐵玫瑰熱音賞雙獎佳績,並獲得 Abao 阿爆(阿仍仍)的賞識,特邀擔任「阿嘟運動會」的表演嘉賓。並於隔年登上街聲大團誕生表演、 Pulima 藝術節開幕嘉賓,並受邀至總統府音樂會演出。豐沛的創作能量持續積累,不斷自我探尋文化的根基,更看見部落文化與時事的議題,終於在 2023 年推出首張個人族語創作專輯《Tiaken 自己》,並於隔年以專輯述說性別議題與文化意識等概念,大舉獲得第二屆 Q Power 獎精神獎大獎,創作實力不容小覷。目前也擔任原住民電視台“老同學我就問”節目主持人。
\n\n110.12.04 Pasiwali 國際原住民音樂節 演出
\n\n111.01.29 阿爆阿仍仍 阿嘟運動會表演嘉賓
\n\n111.02.12 河岸留言專場演出
\n\n111.10.02 桃園市鐵玫瑰音樂節 演出
\n\n112.08.05 總統府音樂會 演出
\n\n112.10.09 阿米斯音樂節 演出
\n\n112.10.20 Pulima 藝術節開幕 演出
\n\n112.11.02 街聲音樂平台-大團誕生 Legacy 專場 演出
\n\n113.10.05 舞炯恩「太陽之子」演唱會嘉賓
\n\n110 年 Pasiwali 音樂大賽 首獎
\n\n111 年桃園市鐵玫瑰熱音大賞 首獎
\n\n113 年以首張專輯《Tiaken 自己》榮獲 第二屆 Q Power 獎精神獎
\n\n113 年街聲 street voice 十大新團 In Legacy Taipei
\n',photo:"6752a3fb2cdfb40008833117",onShelf:!0,createdAt:1733469193,updatedAt:1733469682}],time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周六",start:"16:00",end:"17:00"},facebook:"",introduction:'歡迎進來巴查克的世界 原民音樂探索
\n\n三、現場音樂 in house:節目片尾會和訪談嘉賓們一起演唱歌曲,宛如像在live house般親身經歷,讓音樂in House。
The program interviews emerging groups in the independent music scene, street artists, creators and performers from university and college music awards. It often features live performances either on-site or broadcast recordings of live music from the time of the interview. The aim is to faithfully capture the live musical rhythm and emotional impact, providing a platform to showcase musical talent and skills.
\n",transcriptOpen:!1,subtitleOpen:!1},{_id:"657a9f08850b3b0023e03998",owner:["5bdba66c32cd4e0006be5c6c","657bb98721bfcd0007de93ef"],radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbed",name:"原來這樣聽",channels:["4"],categories:["5a8d13887e67c800059f325d"],hosts:[{_id:"65955587d725be00232f4b61",name:"Cemelesai徹摩",email:"cemelesai.artist@gmail.com",facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/cemelesai.artist",introduction:"來自穹蒼之地aka. Tagaraus aka.大武山的排灣族創作歌手,同時也是廣播節目《原來這樣聽》及《原創謬思客》主持人。
\n\n曾兩度入圍金曲獎及金音獎,已發行三張個人專輯:2016年《真圓ZEMIYAM》、2018年《VANGAV天窗》及2023年《TJAITEKU TUA QADAW太陽底下》,在創作中梳理著從古老到現代的脈絡、講述著屬於斜坡人的故事。
\n",experience:"2023 與新銳電音製作人DJ Waven合作的全新排灣族語電音創作單曲《TJAITEKU TUA QADAW太陽底下》。該作品蘊含了神話、歷史、與生活,將深厚的
\n\n2020 參與製作與演唱合輯《神遊 Legendary Spirits of Dance》獲 2021 美國全球音樂獎世界音樂類首獎
\n2019 以徹摩XWaven組合創作之《MISALA MAVOK/享食》獲「2019台南文學季-台南Sing時代之歌原創音樂競賽」參獎
\n2019 以《VANGAV 天窗》專輯入圍第 30 届金曲獎「最佳原住民語歌手獎」、「最佳原住民語專輯獎」、「年度專輯獎」及第 10 届金音創作獎「最佳跨界或世界音樂單曲獎」
\n2018 發行第二張個人族語創作專輯《VANGAV 天窗》
\n2017 以《真圓 ZEMIYAN》專輯入圍第 28 届金曲獎「最佳原住民語歌手獎」及第 8 届金音創作獎「最佳民謠專輯獎」
\n2016 發行首張個人族語創作專輯《真圓ZEMIYAN》
\n2015 以『思念』創作歌曲獲舊愛新歡古典詩詞譜曲及演唱大賽狀元獎(冠軍)
\n2013 以《禮納里 Rinari》微電影主題曲入圍第二屆屏東電影節金緱獎「最佳原創音樂」
\n2010 以《瑪上回家》創作單曲獲瑪家鄉 senasena-i 原創音樂大賽銀牌獎
In 2024, Cemelesai Chemo officially stepped into the broadcasting scene, marking his debut as a radio personality! Hailing from the Tagaraus Mountains in the celestial realm, he is a Paiwan indigenous singer-songwriter.
\n\nHaving been nominated twice for the Golden Melody Awards and Golden Indie Music Awards, Cemelesai Chemo also played a crucial role in the production of the album "Wandering," which clinched the top prize in the "World Music" category at the prestigious US Global Music Awards.
\n\nIn his compositions, he weaves tales of Paiwan life, carefully untangling the threads of Paiwan culture. Using these as a foundation, he blends in elements of modern, pop, and urban styles. Through his music and vocals, he crafts songs brimming with creative passion and cultural depth, linking the land with life, history with the present, creating ripples that resonate and warm the hearts of every listener who pauses to listen.
\n\nWith three solo albums under his belt – "True Circle ZEMIYAM" in 2016, "VANGAV Skylight" in 2018, and "TJAITEKU TUA QADAW Under the Sun" in 2023 – Cemelesai Chemo's voice is warm, substantial, and deeply moving. Valuing the ambiance and audience reactions during live performances, he consistently tailors his setlist and prepares thoroughly to adapt to any changes that may come his way.
\n\nHe is the musical Rakac (warrior) Cemelesai Chemo, drawing inspiration from the wisdom of Kacalisian (Slope People) and infusing it with classical knowledge and contemporary styles.
\n",englishExperience:"In 2023, a brand-new electronic music collaboration emerged, featuring the innovative DJ Waven and the indigenous singer Cemelesai. The single, titled "TJAITEKU TUA QADAW Under the Sun," combines electronic beats with the Paiwan language, weaving together mythology, history, and daily life. This creation vividly showcases profound cultural elements in a vibrant contemporary expression among the Paiwan people.
In 2020, Cemelesai participated in the production and vocals of the compilation album "Wandering: Legendary Spirits of Dance," winning the World Music category at the 2021 Global Music Awards.
In 2019, the collaborative work "MISALA MAVOK/享食" by Cemelesai and Waven received honorable mention in the "2019 Tainan Literature Festival - Tainan Sing Era Original Music Competition."
Also in 2019, Cemelesai's album "VANGAV Skylight" earned nominations at the 30th Golden Melody Awards for "Best Indigenous Language Singer," "Best Indigenous Language Album," and "Album of the Year." Additionally, it received nominations at the 10th Golden Indie Music Awards for "Best Cross-Genre or World Music Single."
In 2018, Cemelesai released his second indigenous language album, "VANGAV Skylight."
In 2017, his album "True Circle ZEMIYAN" was nominated at the 28th Golden Melody Awards for "Best Indigenous Language Singer" and at the 8th Golden Indie Music Awards for "Best Folk Album."
Cemelesai's musical journey began in 2016 with the release of his debut indigenous language album, "True Circle ZEMIYAN."
In 2015, his composition "思念" won the championship at the Old Love New Love Classical Poetry Composition and Singing Contest.
In 2013, the theme song of the microfilm "禮納里 Rinari" earned a nomination for "Best Original Music" at the 2nd Pingtung Film Festival Golden Lute Awards.
Back in 2010, his single "瑪上回家" won the Silver Award at the Masenal senasena-i Original Music Competition.
\n"},{_id:"657aa003850b3b0023e039b2",name:"Goody(林湛閎)",email:"",facebook:"",introduction:'來自很多雨的地方 aka. Kavalan aka. 宜蘭的斜槓藝文工作者。
\n',experience:"學歷:英國Oxford Brookes University 出版系碩士
\n2023 《TJAITEKU TUA QADAW 太陽底下》排灣電音專輯 製作人
\n2022 《Ari摩耳朵》Podcast節目 製作/主持
\n2022 《舊有感覺音樂祭》《城市獵人的Masalut》策展/執行
\n2021 《逆時針三分鐘》探戈專輯 企劃 (獲第32屆傳藝金曲獎最佳跨界音樂專輯)
\n2019 《石版屋下的葬禮》排灣音樂劇 執行製作
\n2017 《台北世大運FISU GALA》國際晚宴 企劃/執行
\n',keywords:["慈濟大學東方語文學系","文學與流行音樂"],cover:"657968ac21bfcd0007de02cd",squareCover:"657967bc21bfcd0007de0299",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,createdAt:1702455471,updatedAt:1704270210,transcriptOpen:!1,subtitleOpen:!1},{_id:"63a022329074ac00085ce374",owner:["5e61f40ad6fd9800063aed7b","5a7713e4efcc4e00056e5eae"],radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",name:"Selector Radio",channels:["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"],categories:["5a8d13887e67c800059f325d"],hosts:[{_id:"65b0849ad7a6200024481774",name:"Sian Eleri ",email:"",facebook:"",introduction:"",experience:"",photo:"65b0848f5976bb0008f22657",onShelf:!0,createdAt:1706067098,updatedAt:1706067098}],time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"週六、週日",start:"00:00",end:"00:50"},facebook:"",introduction:'"Selecting the best UK music every week and sharing it with the world."
\n\nShared with more than 30 countries around the world, Selector connects a global audience to anything and everything that’s exciting in the UK right now. We take you on a virtual tour of the UK, dropping you into the heart of cities like Bristol, Belfast, Cardiff and Glasgow to listen to the best emerging talent. Jazz, grime, indie or electronica – or somewhere in between – each week we put together a truly eclectic playlist and catch up with the artists and labels who are leading the way in UK music. Selector Radio is an Audio Always production for the British Council.
英國音樂廣播節目Selector Radio每週向全球30多個國家播送精選英國音樂,介紹音樂新星,將世界各地的樂迷緊密連結。節目每週播出兩小時,由DJ Sian Eleri擔任主持。節目涵蓋介紹嶄新有趣的樂團、獨立音樂人和音樂風格,與樂迷們共享包括爵士樂、Grime、獨立和電子音樂等類別,為大家呈現英國最具代表性的新興音樂風格。
\n\n未即時收聽,請進入SELECTOR RADIO官網點選收聽:SELECTOR RADIO官網點選收聽
\n',keywords:["SELECTOR RADIO","英國文化協會","British Council"],cover:"63a0222f484bbf0007501ee2",squareCover:"",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!1,open:!1,overview:!0,createdAt:1671438898,updatedAt:1735806360,englishName:"Selector Radio",englishTime:"Saturday& Sunday",englishOpen:!0,englishIntroduction:'"Selecting the best UK music every week and sharing it with the world."
\n\nShared with more than 30 countries around the world, Selector connects a global audience to anything and everything that’s exciting in the UK right now. We take you on a virtual tour of the UK, dropping you into the heart of cities like Bristol, Belfast, Cardiff and Glasgow to listen to the best emerging talent. Jazz, grime, indie or electronica – or somewhere in between – each week we put together a truly eclectic playlist and catch up with the artists and labels who are leading the way in UK music. Selector Radio is a Folded Wing production for the British Council.
\n",photo:"63a11c20484bbf0007505c62",onShelf:!0,createdAt:1671173711,updatedAt:1728872753,englishName:"ZHU Jia-Qi",englishOpen:!1,englishIntroduction:"",englishExperience:""}],time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周二~周三",start:"23:00",end:"00:00"},facebook:"",introduction:"112年度新節目
\n",keywords:["協奏曲"],cover:"63bd1464379e5c00078d7b39",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,createdAt:1671176079,updatedAt:1721114221,englishName:"Moonlight Concerto",englishTime:"Monday to Wednesday",englishOpen:!0,englishIntroduction:"A concerto is understood to be an orchestrated play between a solo musical instrument and an orchestra, which includes compositions that are contrasting and mutually blending at the same time, and sufficiently showcases the characteristics of a solo musical instrument, as well as the splendor of an ensemble. The program shows the form and characteristic of a concerto, and is an excellent work of broadcast program which allows music to be woven into movies, theatrical works, texts and life stories in coordination, the audience can grasp a deeper meaning of more musical works.
\n\n2000年 【科技早叮噹】新聞局社會建設獎
\n\n2001年 【十八姑娘一朵花】入圍廣播金鐘獎 流行音樂節目及主持人
\n\n2002年【行車請戴安全帽 啄木鳥篇】【一個都不少 行車前安全檢查】新聞局交通安全第一屆創意廣告優選
\n\n2002年【海口人】入圍廣播金鐘獎 社區節目及主持人
\n\n2004年【聽 美麗在唱歌】入圍廣播金鐘獎 流行音樂節目及主持人
\n\n2005年【距離讓我們心更靠近】北市新聞公會 社會光明面新聞報導獎
\n\n2008年~2013 年 民營電台
\n\n2014年【台灣思相枝】入圍廣播金鐘獎 節目企劃編撰
\n\n2016年【台灣的聲音】入圍廣播金鐘獎 單元節目
\n\n2017年~2019年 民營電台
\n",photo:"621d7c327e78b9000978d39a",onShelf:!0,createdAt:1576576086,updatedAt:1646099508,englishName:"Juan Lin",englishOpen:!1}],time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每週六",start:"22:00",end:"23:00"},facebook:"",introduction:'每週六22:00-23:00播出
\n',keywords:["不流行","流行歌曲","臺灣台語"],cover:"61f111897e78b900096b63a6",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,createdAt:1640066276,updatedAt:1734424947,englishName:"unpopular pop song",englishTime:"Sunday 17:05-18:00",englishOpen:!0,englishIntroduction:"Pop song is one of the most obvious pop cultures in our daily lives. It has created not only plenty of jobs and capital markets but also idolatry and popularity. In an era of subversion and decline of greats, idolatry in pop culture becomes a way for teenagers to release their excessive energy. After several decades, looking back on the pop songs of the time, you will find that social change is indeed a very interesting topic—how come all of a sudden everyone seems accustom to the things or concepts that were considered avant-garde or immoral a few decades ago? Is it because moral values are declining? Or due to low moral sense? No, I think the reason is that, during the collision of this new trend of thought, the entire society slowly accepts it and learns to change. While listening to songs, we have also witnessed the development of pop songs. Pop songs are our music education—they accompany us on our young childhood and youth, and also witness the growth and fading of our love in this life.
\n',photo:"5e1328988b04780008c30ea4",onShelf:!0,createdAt:1521622914,updatedAt:1578314710}],time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每週日",start:"19:00",end:"20:00"},facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/Music.Psalms.cafe/",introduction:"單元一 大視野後視鏡-分享溫馨 人生小故事
\n\n單元二 詩歌夢遊者-詩歌是心靈深處最佳處方籤