\n◎國立教育廣播電台記者、主持人、製作人、編導(民國76年迄今) ◎民本廣播電台節目製作、主持人(民國88-89年)
\n◎台灣廣播公司節目製作、主持人(民國88-89年) ◎人人廣播電台節目部副理(民國86年10月-87年5月)
\n◎ 民國82年3月以「和春天有約」獲行政院新聞局「廣播金鐘獎社會建設獎」獎項
\n",keywords:["養生"],cover:"62c69bbd785c370007c26acf",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1657183167,englishName:"The General Supplements",englishTime:"Sunday",englishOpen:!1,englishIntroduction:"With the availability of diverse media and borderless Internet, it is easy to come into contact with some medical knowledge. However, some knowledge that seem correct are not guaranteed of quality control. We expect to convey correct health knowledge through the broadcast to ensure the physical and mental health of the public.
\n",keywords:["閱讀"],cover:"62c69be5785c370007c26ad9",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1689905359,englishName:"Not Reading Today",englishTime:"Saturday ",englishOpen:!1,englishIntroduction:"Select the latest published books in various fields, and invite authors or editors to introduce the essence and purpose of the books, so that listeners can obtain new knowledge in a short time to meet their needs. The program hope to create a scholarly garden on-air, so that people can fulfill their wishes here.
\n\n※播出時間:每週六、日 下午16:05~17:00
\nThe "Special Love" is jointly produced by the Department of Student Affairs and Special Education of the Ministry of Education and the National Education Radio. It covers topics such as experience sharing of teaching for various types of disabilities at various levels of education, gifted education, counseling for students with emotional disabilities, class management skills, career counseling, leisure and entertainment education, vocational development, physical fitness training, peer interaction and acceptance, community resources, parent participation, parent-child education concepts, gender equality, rights and support services for people with disabilities.
\n',keywords:["技職"],cover:"621dc13b7e78b9000978e523",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!1,open:!1,overview:!1,createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1713238404,englishName:"Forefront of Vocational Education",englishTime:"Tuesday",englishOpen:!0,englishIntroduction:'Introduce the core concepts and practical information of vocational education in response to the policies of the Ministry of Education and promotion by the Technical and Vocational Recruitment Strategy Committee to encourage universities to connect regional school resources. The efforts will establish local connections and facilitate industry-academia collaboration across cities to jointly cultivate talents, so that parents, students and listeners will support vocational education.