\nB’Way Show By Bunny兒童音樂劇演員
\nMusic Together幼兒音樂律動教師
\n',keywords:["海外學習","留遊學","海外實習","國際教育"],cover:"6209bc0c7e78b9000973f332",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!0,open:!0,overview:!0,createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1704880600,englishName:"Youth Driving the World",englishTime:"Monday",englishOpen:!0,englishIntroduction:"
The Internet has no borders. The development of the regional economy has prompted the emergence of regional workplaces. Global mobility has become a necessary condition for work, and it is no longer a bonus to the performance. Are you ready for the challenges of globalization? The program invites students or workers who have worked under global mobility to share their global perspectives, experience living in other places and ways to adapt to daily lives.