\nDance like nobody's watching.
\nSing like nobody's listening.
\nLive like it's heaven on earth.
\n– Mark Twain馬克吐溫
★節目簡介:在地化、國際化、生活化,三大核心精神與優質、深度、多元視角,三大重點。以輕快的早晨節奏感作為基調、在地關懷為態度, 跨國思考為內涵。趨勢科技、文化創意、土地與人的聯結、公民素養、優質生活體驗為方向,盼提供聽者具創意與溫度的現代公民視野與知性的生活興味。
\n\n金融知識通 - 金融素養推廣,分享各類金融知識及正確投資理財觀念。
\n\n話題星期一 - 媒體封面故事、教育社會文化時事議題。
\n\n災防新視界 - 面對氣候變遷,台灣災害防救及防災科技之應用、減災科普知識。
\n\n告白地球 - 地球暖化之應變預防、綠色能源、食農教育、環境時事評論等議題。
\n\n誰是假消息 - 媒體素養、打擊假消息傳遞正確訊息。
\n\n週三愛健康 - 專科醫師專訪及保健知識提供。
\n\n生活法律通 - 法律公部門之執行現況與法律常識分析。
\n\n用哲學的眼睛看世界 - 從生活議題中洞察社會與自我,哲學將帶領我們培養獨立理性思考。
\n\n國界行走 - 藉關注單一國家或時事了解國家間關係的脈絡,作為掌握國際情勢之參考。
\n\n聽檔案說故事 - 檔案數位運用、國民記憶庫故事集。
\n\n性別對話錄- 從日常生活中尋找題材,談論最切身的性別議題。
\n\nFollow Me, Go Bilingual! 雙語教學花路米-節目希望藉由包羅萬象的新聞視野與英文學習的元素,讓聽眾在學習英文的過程中,還能輕鬆掌握天下事。主持人為臺師大雙語教學研究中心研究助理陳彣(偶有客串英語教學領域的各路人士),帶給聽眾知性活潑的英語單元節目。節目中偶有彩蛋集數,如課室英語的教學、國內外雙語教學政策的分析與探討。
\n',keywords:["生活","教育","趨勢","法律","環境","健康","國際","文化","社會"],cover:"64cc5a37d7d45b00076bd26e",squareCover:"",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!1,open:!0,overview:!1,createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1709877588,englishName:"Life in design",englishTime:"Monday to Friday",englishOpen:!0,englishIntroduction:'
1. Program Concept: Localization, internationalization and life - the three core spirits and excellent quality, depth, and multidisciplinary perspective as the focus.
\n\n2. Program Purpose: Take a light-hearted morning rhythm as the tone, with local care as the keynote and transnational thinking as the content. The program aims to provide listeners with a creative and warm vision of modern citizenship and an intellectual taste of life, with a focus on trends in technology, culture, and creativity, the connection between land and people, civic literacy, and quality life experiences.
\n\n3. Broadcast time: Monday-Friday, 9:05-10:00 a.m.
Program Contents:
\n\nMonday’s Topics - Media cover stories, current issues in education, society and culture
\n\nTuesday: What the Earth teaches us about - prevention and response of global warming, green energy, food, and agriculture education, and commentary on current environmental issues.
\n(1) Who Spreads Fake News - Media Literacy, Eliminate Fake News and Delivering the Right Message.
(2) Wednesdays for Health - Specialist doctor interviews and provide health information.
\n\n(3) The "Interpret the New Data" module is an exclusive license for Malaysia's CITYPlus FM to interpret global financial information and real-time economic trends.
\nPass for Living legal - An analysis of the current state of law enforcement and legal knowledge in the public sector.
\n(1) Analysis of International Affairs - understanding the context of relations between countries by focusing on
a single country or current event as a reference for getting a grasp of the international situation.
\n\n(2) Listen to the story of archives - a collection of stories from the digital use of archives and national memory.
\n\n\n',keywords:["終身學習","法律","金融","防災","檔案","假消息","性別","動保","健康","消費","心理","國際","電影","音樂"],cover:"6734503b2cdfb400087c62f9",squareCover:"6697585e2cdfb400085724ca",link:"",onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,podcastLink:"",app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,createdAt:1703044636,updatedAt:1737704742,englishName:"Living On Love",englishTime:"Monday to Friday",englishOpen:!1,englishIntroduction:"
With a lively morning rhythmic sensation as the foundation, a local caring attitude, and a transnational perspective as its essence, the program covers topics such as emerging technology trends, cultural creativity, the connection between land and people, civic literacy, and high-quality life experiences. It aims to provide a creative and warm modern citizen's perspective and intellectual interests.