第一單元 - 全世界ㄧ週特殊新聞大事:
-席琳狄翁 「更愛你」ft. 旅法小提琴家吳怡宗 賴欣如
-喜悅島 「藍眼睛」
第二單元 - 我的神秘嘉賓:中央廣播電台英文主播曾樂昂(上集)
First Segment-Global Weekly Special News Highlights:
*Special Program for Taiwan Valentine's Day:
Host Cindy sings cover songs about love:
-Roxette "Listen to your heart"
-Celine Dion "To love you more" ft. Violinist Anthony Wu
-Pleasure Island “Blue-Eyed”
Mike McLaughlin
Kris Oprisch
Second Segment-My Mysterious Guest: Radio Taiwan International (RTI) English Host Julien Oeuillet (Part 1 of 3)
*Out of all the places, why live in Taiwan
*What was the purpose to be in Asia
*How did you get into the radio career
*Been in Television and have directed a couple of documentaries
...................... #CindyWu