\n國立教育廣播電臺 教育開講節目主持人/製作人
\nBRAVO 91.3 趨勢大未來節目主持人
\n各電視台晚間新聞主播 節目製作人/主持人
\n榮獲 2006 年中國文藝獎章電視節目主持人獎
\n榮膺 2006、2007 年台灣百大名人榜
\n國立台灣藝術大學 廣電系 講師
\n國立政治大學 外交系 講師
\n私立玄奘大學 新聞系 大傳系 講師
\n中華人事主管協會 講師
\n2015教育部人才培育亮點計畫執行委員會委員 兼 副召集人
\n",createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1735638484,__v:0,cover:"61231186894e730007b0d42d",link:"",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周一至五",start:"07:30",end:"08:00"},podcastLink:"",englishIntroduction:"With the implementation of the 2019 Curriculum Guidelines, literacy and critical thinking skills, international education and multilingualism have become the most popular topics for those who care about education. With the change in the direction of education and teaching style, both teachers and students on campus and the community are curious about new information, new concepts, new technologies, new strategies and new models. With the advent of the AI era, digital thinking and the ability to apply technology have become essential skills for future life.
\nThe program focuses on current events at home and abroad, national policies, the aging society, international education, and 2019 Curriculum Guidelines, and is supplemented by topics such as educational culture, fashion trends, industrial innovation, youth future, urban-rural balance, education field, and parenting. Experts and members of representative organizations are invited to share their experiences, providing the public with the most up-to-date information and effective ways to respond to these issues, to broaden their horizons, build an international perspective, and become an all-round learning network for people who care about education.
\n**The first part of the program (7:30-8:00 p.m.) focuses on important current events, new knowledge in education, concept inspiration, major policies, and trend analysis. Through interviews with the Ministry of Education's foreign embassies, scholars and experts, the program provides new information from an international perspective. Young dreamers share their aspirations, ambitions and original intention to contribute to society.
\n*The latter part of the program (8:05-9:00 p.m.) opens with a different "English Module" each day, and moves on to different thematic units each day, including "Frontiers of Flipped Learning", "What's New in Education", "Global Village of Education", "Powerful Creativity", "Mastering Trends", and "Relax! Do Public Good", in which experts and scholars are invited to discuss content and issues that meet the needs of the public, helping the local public and parents who care about education to grow and develop forward-thinking and action for the public good.
\n*Besides, there is a monthly special interview and a complementary module, inviting experts to talk with us about mental health, food education, performance coaching, experimental education and overseas experience, topic introductions, financial information, personal image management, workplace experience, and much more wonderful content!
\n 法國格勒諾柏第三大學(Université de Grenoble III)語言教學博士
\n 世界法語教師聯盟亞太區主席
\n 中華民國法語教師協會副理事長
\n\n1995-至今 擔任本臺製播「Café Crèam」、「Cadences」、「Reflets」、「Festival」、「法語浪漫」、「生活法語」等法語教學節目主講教師
\n\n\n',createdAt:1518596913,updatedAt:1734079620,__v:0,photo:"675bf4812cdfb40008856514",englishName:"YANG,SHU-JUAN",englishOpen:!1}],onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,app:!1,open:!0,overview:!0,materials:[{name:"VOCABULAIRE en dialogues(1)、(2)",isbn:"9782090352238,9782090352245",information:'
\n\n生活法語二課外讀本-Un amour en automne : Grands adolescents et adultes Niveau 2(ISBN:9782090314045)此本補充教材,可視個人學習情況選購。
\n\n二、 節目構想 :希望透過學有專精的大學法文系教師傳遞浪漫的法語,同時介紹該國的文學、電影、藝術作品、美食、旅遊景點與風俗民情;除此之外也希望和國內其他與法文相關的教授、或愛好法文的人士進行訪談,以增加節目的多元化;當然邀請法國人士上本節目也是不容忽略的。
\n\n三、目標聽眾 :國中、高中職以上學生及社會人士。
\n\n四、節目內容 : 分五部分,包括~1.發音練習
\n\n五、使用教材:(Vocabulaire en dialogues 1 & 2)
\n",createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1713255732,__v:0,cover:"6209cc9e7e78b9000973f993",link:"http://channelplus.ner.gov.tw/viewalllang/119",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周一~周五",start:"07:30",end:"08:00"},podcastLink:"",englishName:"Living French",englishTime:"Monday to Friday"},start:1740094200,end:1740096e3},{_id:"4",name:"彰化分臺FM",english:"Changhua Substation FM",live:"https://cast.ner.gov.tw/4",type:"program",program:{owner:["5a7d08743e7e53000686cf5b","5a823a51ee33c600058c36db","5a80ec34df964c00064e8c63"],channels:["1","4","5","8","9","6"],categories:["5a8d136e7e67c800059f3255","5a8d13807e67c800059f325b"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"5a9fa168d9cade0006719097",name:"張慧心",email:"",facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E6%95%99%E8%82%B2%E8%A1%8C%E5%8B%95%E5%AE%B6%E5%8F%B0%E5%8C%97%E5%B8%82%E5%AE%B6%E9%95%B7%E5%8D%94%E6%9C%83/837790512945187?fref=ts",introduction:"給予大眾最即時的資訊及最有效的方法和建議,建立一個全方位的成長學習網絡。
\n",experience:"張慧心: 18年豐富的班親會及親師合作經驗,多年家長會經驗,現任台北市家長協會常務理事。《人間福報》藝文中心主任、旅遊版主編,前民生報資深「婦女與親子」版新聞工作者,長期擔任讀書會帶領人,親子成長、媒體識讀課程講師。兩個孩子的母親。出版著作含《與孩子立約》、《當更年期遇上青春期》合計共十餘本。二個孩子的母親。
\n國立教育廣播電臺 教育開講節目主持人/製作人
\nBRAVO 91.3 趨勢大未來節目主持人
\n各電視台晚間新聞主播 節目製作人/主持人
\n榮獲 2006 年中國文藝獎章電視節目主持人獎
\n榮膺 2006、2007 年台灣百大名人榜
\n國立台灣藝術大學 廣電系 講師
\n國立政治大學 外交系 講師
\n私立玄奘大學 新聞系 大傳系 講師
\n中華人事主管協會 講師
\n2015教育部人才培育亮點計畫執行委員會委員 兼 副召集人
\n",createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1735638484,__v:0,cover:"61231186894e730007b0d42d",link:"",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周一至五",start:"07:30",end:"08:00"},podcastLink:"",englishIntroduction:"With the implementation of the 2019 Curriculum Guidelines, literacy and critical thinking skills, international education and multilingualism have become the most popular topics for those who care about education. With the change in the direction of education and teaching style, both teachers and students on campus and the community are curious about new information, new concepts, new technologies, new strategies and new models. With the advent of the AI era, digital thinking and the ability to apply technology have become essential skills for future life.
\nThe program focuses on current events at home and abroad, national policies, the aging society, international education, and 2019 Curriculum Guidelines, and is supplemented by topics such as educational culture, fashion trends, industrial innovation, youth future, urban-rural balance, education field, and parenting. Experts and members of representative organizations are invited to share their experiences, providing the public with the most up-to-date information and effective ways to respond to these issues, to broaden their horizons, build an international perspective, and become an all-round learning network for people who care about education.
\n**The first part of the program (7:30-8:00 p.m.) focuses on important current events, new knowledge in education, concept inspiration, major policies, and trend analysis. Through interviews with the Ministry of Education's foreign embassies, scholars and experts, the program provides new information from an international perspective. Young dreamers share their aspirations, ambitions and original intention to contribute to society.
\n*The latter part of the program (8:05-9:00 p.m.) opens with a different "English Module" each day, and moves on to different thematic units each day, including "Frontiers of Flipped Learning", "What's New in Education", "Global Village of Education", "Powerful Creativity", "Mastering Trends", and "Relax! Do Public Good", in which experts and scholars are invited to discuss content and issues that meet the needs of the public, helping the local public and parents who care about education to grow and develop forward-thinking and action for the public good.
\n*Besides, there is a monthly special interview and a complementary module, inviting experts to talk with us about mental health, food education, performance coaching, experimental education and overseas experience, topic introductions, financial information, personal image management, workplace experience, and much more wonderful content!
\n",experience:"張慧心: 18年豐富的班親會及親師合作經驗,多年家長會經驗,現任台北市家長協會常務理事。《人間福報》藝文中心主任、旅遊版主編,前民生報資深「婦女與親子」版新聞工作者,長期擔任讀書會帶領人,親子成長、媒體識讀課程講師。兩個孩子的母親。出版著作含《與孩子立約》、《當更年期遇上青春期》合計共十餘本。二個孩子的母親。
\n國立教育廣播電臺 教育開講節目主持人/製作人
\nBRAVO 91.3 趨勢大未來節目主持人
\n各電視台晚間新聞主播 節目製作人/主持人
\n榮獲 2006 年中國文藝獎章電視節目主持人獎
\n榮膺 2006、2007 年台灣百大名人榜
\n國立台灣藝術大學 廣電系 講師
\n國立政治大學 外交系 講師
\n私立玄奘大學 新聞系 大傳系 講師
\n中華人事主管協會 講師
\n2015教育部人才培育亮點計畫執行委員會委員 兼 副召集人
\n",createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1735638484,__v:0,cover:"61231186894e730007b0d42d",link:"",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周一至五",start:"07:30",end:"08:00"},podcastLink:"",englishIntroduction:"With the implementation of the 2019 Curriculum Guidelines, literacy and critical thinking skills, international education and multilingualism have become the most popular topics for those who care about education. With the change in the direction of education and teaching style, both teachers and students on campus and the community are curious about new information, new concepts, new technologies, new strategies and new models. With the advent of the AI era, digital thinking and the ability to apply technology have become essential skills for future life.
\nThe program focuses on current events at home and abroad, national policies, the aging society, international education, and 2019 Curriculum Guidelines, and is supplemented by topics such as educational culture, fashion trends, industrial innovation, youth future, urban-rural balance, education field, and parenting. Experts and members of representative organizations are invited to share their experiences, providing the public with the most up-to-date information and effective ways to respond to these issues, to broaden their horizons, build an international perspective, and become an all-round learning network for people who care about education.
\n**The first part of the program (7:30-8:00 p.m.) focuses on important current events, new knowledge in education, concept inspiration, major policies, and trend analysis. Through interviews with the Ministry of Education's foreign embassies, scholars and experts, the program provides new information from an international perspective. Young dreamers share their aspirations, ambitions and original intention to contribute to society.
\n*The latter part of the program (8:05-9:00 p.m.) opens with a different "English Module" each day, and moves on to different thematic units each day, including "Frontiers of Flipped Learning", "What's New in Education", "Global Village of Education", "Powerful Creativity", "Mastering Trends", and "Relax! Do Public Good", in which experts and scholars are invited to discuss content and issues that meet the needs of the public, helping the local public and parents who care about education to grow and develop forward-thinking and action for the public good.
\n*Besides, there is a monthly special interview and a complementary module, inviting experts to talk with us about mental health, food education, performance coaching, experimental education and overseas experience, topic introductions, financial information, personal image management, workplace experience, and much more wonderful content!
\n",experience:"張慧心: 18年豐富的班親會及親師合作經驗,多年家長會經驗,現任台北市家長協會常務理事。《人間福報》藝文中心主任、旅遊版主編,前民生報資深「婦女與親子」版新聞工作者,長期擔任讀書會帶領人,親子成長、媒體識讀課程講師。兩個孩子的母親。出版著作含《與孩子立約》、《當更年期遇上青春期》合計共十餘本。二個孩子的母親。
\n國立教育廣播電臺 教育開講節目主持人/製作人
\nBRAVO 91.3 趨勢大未來節目主持人
\n各電視台晚間新聞主播 節目製作人/主持人
\n榮獲 2006 年中國文藝獎章電視節目主持人獎
\n榮膺 2006、2007 年台灣百大名人榜
\n國立台灣藝術大學 廣電系 講師
\n國立政治大學 外交系 講師
\n私立玄奘大學 新聞系 大傳系 講師
\n中華人事主管協會 講師
\n2015教育部人才培育亮點計畫執行委員會委員 兼 副召集人
\n",createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1735638484,__v:0,cover:"61231186894e730007b0d42d",link:"",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周一至五",start:"07:30",end:"08:00"},podcastLink:"",englishIntroduction:"With the implementation of the 2019 Curriculum Guidelines, literacy and critical thinking skills, international education and multilingualism have become the most popular topics for those who care about education. With the change in the direction of education and teaching style, both teachers and students on campus and the community are curious about new information, new concepts, new technologies, new strategies and new models. With the advent of the AI era, digital thinking and the ability to apply technology have become essential skills for future life.
\nThe program focuses on current events at home and abroad, national policies, the aging society, international education, and 2019 Curriculum Guidelines, and is supplemented by topics such as educational culture, fashion trends, industrial innovation, youth future, urban-rural balance, education field, and parenting. Experts and members of representative organizations are invited to share their experiences, providing the public with the most up-to-date information and effective ways to respond to these issues, to broaden their horizons, build an international perspective, and become an all-round learning network for people who care about education.
\n**The first part of the program (7:30-8:00 p.m.) focuses on important current events, new knowledge in education, concept inspiration, major policies, and trend analysis. Through interviews with the Ministry of Education's foreign embassies, scholars and experts, the program provides new information from an international perspective. Young dreamers share their aspirations, ambitions and original intention to contribute to society.
\n*The latter part of the program (8:05-9:00 p.m.) opens with a different "English Module" each day, and moves on to different thematic units each day, including "Frontiers of Flipped Learning", "What's New in Education", "Global Village of Education", "Powerful Creativity", "Mastering Trends", and "Relax! Do Public Good", in which experts and scholars are invited to discuss content and issues that meet the needs of the public, helping the local public and parents who care about education to grow and develop forward-thinking and action for the public good.
\n*Besides, there is a monthly special interview and a complementary module, inviting experts to talk with us about mental health, food education, performance coaching, experimental education and overseas experience, topic introductions, financial information, personal image management, workplace experience, and much more wonderful content!
\n",englishName:"News anchors & reporters",englishOpen:!1,photo:"659f96065976bb0008ee2ac6"}],keywords:[],onShelf:!0,podcast:!1,app:!1,open:!0,overview:!1,transcriptOpen:!1,subtitleOpen:!1,_id:"5a83f4e9c5fd8a01e2df0075",name:"文教新聞(0700)",facebook:"",introduction:"提供最新聞文教新聞訊息
",createdAt:1518597353,updatedAt:1644804932,__v:0,cover:"6209bb2b7e78b9000973f2e4",link:"",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周一至五",start:"07:00",end:"07:05"},podcastLink:"",englishName:"Cultural and Educational News",englishOpen:!1,englishTime:"07:00 to 07:05 every Monday to Friday"},start:1740094200,end:1740094800},{_id:"8",name:"花蓮分臺FM-1",english:"Hualien Substation FM-1",live:"https://cast.ner.gov.tw/8",type:"program",program:{owner:["5a7d08743e7e53000686cf5b","5a823a51ee33c600058c36db","5a80ec34df964c00064e8c63"],channels:["1","4","5","8","9","6"],categories:["5a8d136e7e67c800059f3255","5a8d13807e67c800059f325b"],hosts:[{onShelf:!0,_id:"5a9fa168d9cade0006719097",name:"張慧心",email:"",facebook:"https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E6%95%99%E8%82%B2%E8%A1%8C%E5%8B%95%E5%AE%B6%E5%8F%B0%E5%8C%97%E5%B8%82%E5%AE%B6%E9%95%B7%E5%8D%94%E6%9C%83/837790512945187?fref=ts",introduction:"給予大眾最即時的資訊及最有效的方法和建議,建立一個全方位的成長學習網絡。
\n",experience:"張慧心: 18年豐富的班親會及親師合作經驗,多年家長會經驗,現任台北市家長協會常務理事。《人間福報》藝文中心主任、旅遊版主編,前民生報資深「婦女與親子」版新聞工作者,長期擔任讀書會帶領人,親子成長、媒體識讀課程講師。兩個孩子的母親。出版著作含《與孩子立約》、《當更年期遇上青春期》合計共十餘本。二個孩子的母親。
\n國立教育廣播電臺 教育開講節目主持人/製作人
\nBRAVO 91.3 趨勢大未來節目主持人
\n各電視台晚間新聞主播 節目製作人/主持人
\n榮獲 2006 年中國文藝獎章電視節目主持人獎
\n榮膺 2006、2007 年台灣百大名人榜
\n國立台灣藝術大學 廣電系 講師
\n國立政治大學 外交系 講師
\n私立玄奘大學 新聞系 大傳系 講師
\n中華人事主管協會 講師
\n2015教育部人才培育亮點計畫執行委員會委員 兼 副召集人
\n",createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1735638484,__v:0,cover:"61231186894e730007b0d42d",link:"",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周一至五",start:"07:30",end:"08:00"},podcastLink:"",englishIntroduction:"With the implementation of the 2019 Curriculum Guidelines, literacy and critical thinking skills, international education and multilingualism have become the most popular topics for those who care about education. With the change in the direction of education and teaching style, both teachers and students on campus and the community are curious about new information, new concepts, new technologies, new strategies and new models. With the advent of the AI era, digital thinking and the ability to apply technology have become essential skills for future life.
\nThe program focuses on current events at home and abroad, national policies, the aging society, international education, and 2019 Curriculum Guidelines, and is supplemented by topics such as educational culture, fashion trends, industrial innovation, youth future, urban-rural balance, education field, and parenting. Experts and members of representative organizations are invited to share their experiences, providing the public with the most up-to-date information and effective ways to respond to these issues, to broaden their horizons, build an international perspective, and become an all-round learning network for people who care about education.
\n**The first part of the program (7:30-8:00 p.m.) focuses on important current events, new knowledge in education, concept inspiration, major policies, and trend analysis. Through interviews with the Ministry of Education's foreign embassies, scholars and experts, the program provides new information from an international perspective. Young dreamers share their aspirations, ambitions and original intention to contribute to society.
\n*The latter part of the program (8:05-9:00 p.m.) opens with a different "English Module" each day, and moves on to different thematic units each day, including "Frontiers of Flipped Learning", "What's New in Education", "Global Village of Education", "Powerful Creativity", "Mastering Trends", and "Relax! Do Public Good", in which experts and scholars are invited to discuss content and issues that meet the needs of the public, helping the local public and parents who care about education to grow and develop forward-thinking and action for the public good.
\n*Besides, there is a monthly special interview and a complementary module, inviting experts to talk with us about mental health, food education, performance coaching, experimental education and overseas experience, topic introductions, financial information, personal image management, workplace experience, and much more wonderful content!
\n",experience:"張慧心: 18年豐富的班親會及親師合作經驗,多年家長會經驗,現任台北市家長協會常務理事。《人間福報》藝文中心主任、旅遊版主編,前民生報資深「婦女與親子」版新聞工作者,長期擔任讀書會帶領人,親子成長、媒體識讀課程講師。兩個孩子的母親。出版著作含《與孩子立約》、《當更年期遇上青春期》合計共十餘本。二個孩子的母親。
\n國立教育廣播電臺 教育開講節目主持人/製作人
\nBRAVO 91.3 趨勢大未來節目主持人
\n各電視台晚間新聞主播 節目製作人/主持人
\n榮獲 2006 年中國文藝獎章電視節目主持人獎
\n榮膺 2006、2007 年台灣百大名人榜
\n國立台灣藝術大學 廣電系 講師
\n國立政治大學 外交系 講師
\n私立玄奘大學 新聞系 大傳系 講師
\n中華人事主管協會 講師
\n2015教育部人才培育亮點計畫執行委員會委員 兼 副召集人
\n",createdAt:1518597354,updatedAt:1735638484,__v:0,cover:"61231186894e730007b0d42d",link:"",radio:"5a83f303b244f301c16ecbeb",time:{hideStartEnd:!1,text:"每周一至五",start:"07:30",end:"08:00"},podcastLink:"",englishIntroduction:"With the implementation of the 2019 Curriculum Guidelines, literacy and critical thinking skills, international education and multilingualism have become the most popular topics for those who care about education. With the change in the direction of education and teaching style, both teachers and students on campus and the community are curious about new information, new concepts, new technologies, new strategies and new models. With the advent of the AI era, digital thinking and the ability to apply technology have become essential skills for future life.
\nThe program focuses on current events at home and abroad, national policies, the aging society, international education, and 2019 Curriculum Guidelines, and is supplemented by topics such as educational culture, fashion trends, industrial innovation, youth future, urban-rural balance, education field, and parenting. Experts and members of representative organizations are invited to share their experiences, providing the public with the most up-to-date information and effective ways to respond to these issues, to broaden their horizons, build an international perspective, and become an all-round learning network for people who care about education.
\n**The first part of the program (7:30-8:00 p.m.) focuses on important current events, new knowledge in education, concept inspiration, major policies, and trend analysis. Through interviews with the Ministry of Education's foreign embassies, scholars and experts, the program provides new information from an international perspective. Young dreamers share their aspirations, ambitions and original intention to contribute to society.
\n*The latter part of the program (8:05-9:00 p.m.) opens with a different "English Module" each day, and moves on to different thematic units each day, including "Frontiers of Flipped Learning", "What's New in Education", "Global Village of Education", "Powerful Creativity", "Mastering Trends", and "Relax! Do Public Good", in which experts and scholars are invited to discuss content and issues that meet the needs of the public, helping the local public and parents who care about education to grow and develop forward-thinking and action for the public good.
\n*Besides, there is a monthly special interview and a complementary module, inviting experts to talk with us about mental health, food education, performance coaching, experimental education and overseas experience, topic introductions, financial information, personal image management, workplace experience, and much more wonderful content!